Urgent Recall Alert: Chicken Products Pulled Due To Allergen Concerns

Packaged chicken breasts on a factory conveyor belt.

A major food recall has been issued for over 100,000 pounds of chicken due to undeclared allergens, raising concerns about food safety and labeling practices.

Key Takeaways

  • Custom Food Solutions has recalled 105,164 pounds of frozen drunken chicken products due to undeclared egg and sesame allergens.
  • The recall affects products distributed to 11 Yats restaurants in Indiana, with production dates between March 14, 2024, and January 15, 2025.
  • No adverse reactions have been reported, but consumers with allergies are advised to be cautious and contact healthcare providers if concerned.
  • The recall highlights the importance of proper allergen labeling, especially for major allergens like egg and sesame.
  • This incident is part of a series of recent food recalls due to undeclared allergens, emphasizing the need for stricter quality control measures in food production.

Massive Chicken Recall Unveiled

Custom Food Solutions, a Louisville, Kentucky-based company, has issued a voluntary recall for approximately 105,164 pounds of its frozen drunken chicken product. The recall comes after the discovery of undeclared allergens, specifically egg and sesame, which are among the nine major food allergens identified by U.S. law. This oversight in labeling poses a significant risk to consumers with allergies to these ingredients.

The affected products, known as Yats Drunken Chicken, consist of cooked chicken thigh meat in a spicy tomato sauce with beer. These items were distributed to 11 Yats restaurants across Indiana, potentially putting local consumers at risk. The chicken was produced over an extended period, from March 14, 2024, to January 15, 2025, and has a shelf life of one year, increasing the likelihood of the product still being in circulation.

Allergen Labeling: A Critical Food Safety Measure

The importance of accurate allergen labeling cannot be overstated. Egg and sesame are part of the nine major food allergens that can cause severe reactions in sensitive individuals. The Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) organization emphasizes the potential dangers of sesame exposure for allergic individuals:

According to the Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE), an advocacy group, “When a person with an allergy to sesame is exposed to sesame, proteins in the sesame bind to specific IgE antibodies made by the person’s immune system. This triggers the person’s immune defenses, leading to reaction symptoms that can be mild or very severe.”

Sesame was added as the ninth major food allergen following the FASTER Act in 2021, reflecting growing awareness of its potential to cause severe allergic reactions. This recent addition underscores the need for food manufacturers to stay current with labeling requirements and allergen information.

Recall Response and Consumer Safety

The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) discovered the labeling issue during routine reviews, prompting swift action from Custom Food Solutions. The FSIS has released a statement regarding the recall:

“The product may contain egg and sesame, known allergens, which are not declared on the product label. The RTE frozen drunken chicken items were produced on various dates between March 14, 2024, through Jan. 15, 2025, and have a shelf-life of one year,” FSIS said.

While no confirmed reports of adverse reactions have been reported, the FSIS advises consumers who have purchased these products to either dispose of them or return them to the place of purchase. Restaurants have been instructed not to serve the recalled items. The FSIS is conducting recall effectiveness checks to ensure that customers are properly notified of the potential risk.

Broader Implications for Food Safety

This recall is not an isolated incident but part of a concerning trend in the food industry. In January alone, two other food recalls were issued by the FSIS due to undeclared allergens. Recent high-profile cases include recalls from Quaker Oats and UP Products, highlighting a systemic issue in food production and labeling processes.

The frequency of these recalls underscores the critical need for stringent quality control measures and thorough ingredient verification in food manufacturing. It also serves as a reminder for consumers, especially those with food allergies, to remain vigilant and carefully check product labels before consumption.

As the food industry grapples with these challenges, it is clear that more robust systems and perhaps stricter regulations may be necessary to ensure the safety of all consumers, particularly those with food allergies. The Custom Food Solutions recall serves as a wake-up call for manufacturers to redouble their efforts in maintaining accurate and comprehensive product labeling.


  1. https://www.newsweek.com/chicken-recall-yats-indiana-custom-food-solutions-allergic-reaction-fear-sesame-warning-egg-2019603
  2. http://www.fsis.usda.gov/recalls-alerts/custom-food-solutions-recalls-ready-eat-frozen-drunken-chicken-product-due
  3. https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/105000-pounds-of-chicken-products-recalled-due-to-undeclared-ingredients-5797621