Poll Results: Unemployment Eligibility for Illegal Immigrants

Poll Results
We asked thousands of people whether they thought illegal immigrants should be eligible for unemployment benefits. This would mean that an illegal immigrant could receive an unemployment check even if they don’t have a social security number, and even if they have never even worked before. Our readers responded in force.
5% of Americans think illegal immigrants SHOULD be eligible for unemployment benefits.
95% of Americans think illegal immigrants SHOULD NOT be eligible for unemployment benefits.
The votes coming through so far indicate that the vast majority of people feel that those who are not United States citizens SHOULD NOT be eligible for unemployment benefits. Big surprise? We think so, 5% seems like a big turnout in favor of giving free money to illegals.
Illegal immigration is already costing this country millions of taxpayer dollars each day. Why would anyone want to increase that cost by providing them with citizenship benefits that many Americans who’re down on their luck do not even qualify for?
What do you think?